
Getting the inspiration to blog

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Hanging On In There

With all this nonsense about the tennis I had quite forgotten my practise for the Feline Olympics. Luckily when I was about to go for a snooze on Max's head he reminded me so I thought I had better set to and do something.

I was going to have an abseiling event but we weren't sure how you did it and Bluebelle said there might bee an accident and I could be held responsible and all those two legs that ring up and talk about injuries and suing would be on like a shot so I dropped that idea. I remembered my mishap jumping off the fence onto the trampoline and onto the bouncy castle so I thought of a wire walking test.

We could stretch the wire between two fences and see who could get the furthest without falling off. If more than one got all the way then it would have to be timed. I am getting a fabulous brain for working out these events. I wouldn't be surprised if they call me in to organise the two legs Olympics soon.

Well I couldn't find any wire so I made do with some chains they had at last year's Christmas party. I pulled them out of their box and dragged them to the fence and managed to loop them on. Then I took the other end and looped that round the other fence. If I say so myself it was a very good job. The only thing was I wasn't sure how strong it was and I wasn't about to test it.

Ordinarily Max would come in at this point but he was busy with a tinsel fairy I had pulled out of the box at the time I got the chain. If Max is determined to play with something it doesn't matter what you say or do he just carries on. Luckily Fluffy Bob appeared - he's a new kitten on the street and he has come to me for advice on how to live life. I told him I needed him to test the wire.

Reluctantly he climbed up the fence guided by my instructions. Can you believe he finds it difficult to climb a  six foot fence. I'm sure I wasn't that dumb at his age. Anyway he takes two steps along and overbalances and is up there hanging on like an athlete doing chin-ups. I told him to hang on and see how long the chain lasted. he's still up there so I think the chain will do for the Olympics - just not sure how to get Fluffy Bob down now.

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